Monday, January 27, 2014

January 22nd Assignment - Pitch Proposal

"Time and Time Again"

Video games have come a long way from when they were first conceived in analog. 8-bit processing dominated the first two generations of game consoles. 16-bit video games are what most people think of when they think of nostalgic throw-backs (Super Mario, Final Fanstasy, etc).

I think an interesting way to develop using the 2D RPG Kit would be to create a RPG that showcases the man different pixel art-styles (6-bit, 8-bit, 16-bit, etc) that have existed throughout the history of video games. The main character of said RPG is a blend of the many 2D RPG and platforming games we have all played growing up. The game should be self-aware of the fact that it's parodying/amalgamating these many different universes. Combat could possibly be turn-based, meshing magic and realism. We don't even have to stick to a single genre style, but the mesh of many different ones. The game should be divided into major chapters, each one depicting a different 2D art/genre style (ex: Chapter 1 is in 8-bit pixel art, Chapter 2 is in 16-bit pixel art, etc). This idea isn't a conforming mold so much as it is a bare-bone skeleton into which we can add content as a class. Thankfully role-playing elements can be adapted to almost any genre in video games.