Friday, March 28, 2014

Space Game

I took a brief hiatus from posting on the blog while I got my previous scripts and code in order. Eric wants me to jump ship from the 2D RPG Game, and instead move forward with the space game. The class has basically splintered into two groups, with one large group working on the RPG and one small group (Dale, and I) beginning work on the space game. I had a general idea in mind when I began working with the space demo. Christian Otterman suggested a possible mining mechanic that we could begin with. I think the mechanic could prove to be quite interesting given that it would be very easy for me to populate a map with asteroids.
Empty scene with just the space background camera, and a player ship.

Populated a map with infinite asteroids.

First AI that I implemented.

Edited the camera so that the planets were on a separate layer from the background.